The Best Dentist in Bayshore Advises Parents on Preserving Children’s Teeth

During the month of April, dentists, hygienists, oral surgeons, dental patients and other participants in the oral health field are celebrating National Oral Health Month. So, what better way to celebrate National Oral Health Month than to pick up a few tips on how to protect your child’s teeth this summer. 


We all know that children tend to play a little harder than adults without as much concern for safety. This is why it’s the responsibility of parents to inform children about being aware of safety precautions. As the summer months bring a break from school and a season of outdoor sports and activities, we hope that you and your children remember to protect those precious teeth. Many traumatic dental injuries occur from falls and injuries related to physical activities. If your child experiences a traumatic dental injury such as a chipped, dislodged or knocked out tooth, it is important to contact us, your best dentist in Bayshore, immediately. As a result of such injuries, your child may need esthetic restoration, root canal treatment, a splint or even replantation of a knocked-out tooth. Not only will traumatic dental injuries from accidents and unsafe physical activities cause a lot of pain and discomfort  for you child, but it may also involve a lot of time and money invested into treatment from our best dentist in New Orleans LA.


Therefore, prevention is the best solution for handling traumatic dental injuries. Of course, we understand that accidents happen and we certainly don’t advise that children refrain from healthy physical activity! We still want children to have fun and remain physically active. So, here are the most sensible and practical tips for preventing traumatic dental injuries:


Invest in a mouth guard

The most common place for injuries to the teeth, lips, cheek and tongue are on playgrounds, soccer fields, basketball courts or during physical activities such as skateboarding, rollerblading and biking. Therefore, if your child is heavily participating in physical activities this summer you might want to consider investing in a mouth guard for them. These guards can help to protect the mouth if your child experiences a facial injury. If there are soccer, basket or baseballs flying, you can be sure there’s a chance for dental injuries.


Consult an orthodontist

Children whose front teeth are more protruded or “buck-tooth” are at a higher risk for traumatic dental injuries since the most commonly affected area is the upper front teeth. Consult an orthodontic professional, if you believe that your child’s teeth may be at risk. Your orthodontist can help to align those protruding front teeth with braces in order to bring the front teeth back and better protect them from injury. There are cosmetic benefits to a straighter smile too!


Our best dentist in New Orleans LA hopes that you’ll play safe this summer. Keep your mouth happy and smiling by remembering to take precautionary measures to prevent traumatic dental injuries from occurring. And if you happen to need help from the best dentist in New Orleans LA, feel free to give us a call at (631) 665-8484.